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A guided dhyana practice
Come to sit in your steady seat with eyes closed. Bring your awareness to the natural breath. Become as immersed in your natural breath as you possible can. It’s like a very soft, surrendered concentration. It’s more like your awareness is merging with the breath rather than concentration on the breath. Feel as though your breath is a manifestation of your consciousness, and or, that your awareness is emerging from your breath. Become established in an unbroken experience or awareness of the breath. Practice this for a minute or two. As your meditation deepens, you’ll begin to notice a profound stillness and silence just beyond the breath, all around the breath, everywhere. When you experience this stillness and silence, you’re beginning to experience your pure consciousness. Surrender into an unbroken awareness of this stillness and silence. Practice this for a minute or two. As you become immersed in this stillness and silence, your awareness will become so open and clear and liberated that the only thing you’re experiencing is this vast, infinite stillness and silence. As you surrender very deeply into this stillness and silence, it becomes like a mirror that reflects the qualities of your Heart or Soul, the infinite and eternal love, joy, truth, light, peace, compassion and goodness that is your true nature. When you begin to experience these qualities of your Soul, become immersed in an unbroken experience of them. Allow yourself to merge into them. Surrender very deeply into the experience of your Heart — know and experience yourself as the love, joy, truth, light, peace and goodness that is your Soul.