Yoga SutrasI will use the yoga sutras to help elucidate points or elements of yoga philosophy.I.1: atha yoganusasanam(Now the instruction of yoga; yoga begins now; everything you do in your life is your yoga practice)I.2: yogas citta - vrtti - nirodhah(Through Yoga we remove restlessness from our field of consciousness)I.3: tada drastuh svarupe vasthanam(Then we are established in our true nature)I.13: tatra sthitau yatno bhyasah(Abhyasa-practice is vigilance in remaining there)Abhyasa: Practice, effort, vigilance of awareness. Deeper meaning: moving toward yoga I.14: sa tu dirgha-kala-nairantarya-satkarasevito drdha-bhumih(that abhyasa-practice has a firm ground when attended to for a long time, without interruption, and with devotion to truth) Desire and guidance are very important, but the most important thing is dedicated and steady practice over timeI.15: drstanusravika-visaya-vitrsnasya vasikara-sanjna vairagyam(Vairagya-non attachment is the full knowledge (declaration) of (one’s own-the seer’s) mastery (on the part of one who is) not clinging to vasaya-objects, (already) experienced or described (by others)Vairagya: Detachment, surrender. Deeper meaning: Being in the state of yoga II.1: Tapah svadyaya isvara pranidhanani kriya yogahtapas: heat, intensity of practice (psycho-spiritual thermogenics) svadyaya: self study, knowing our true nature isvara: the omniscient self, the seer or teacher within, our spiritual nature or consciousness pranidhanani: alignment with, devotion to, surrendering into spiritual consciousness kriya yoga: yoga practice/sadhana [ To Top ] |