Freddie Wyndham Yoga - logophilosophy
  1. Prayer
  2. Dhyana, Jnana and Bhakti - Living the Life of a Yogi
  3. Meditation - Experiencing Your Beingness
  4. Happiness is the natural state of our Being
  5. Conscious Awareness
  6. Metaphors to illustrate the Nature of our True Self – the Soul
  7. What is the Heart?
  8. Our Soul is our true and deepest Teacher
  9. Two facets of our Spiritual Practice and Life
  10. What is Yoga?
  11. Jnanahata Yoga
  12. Our Sadhana is a process of Purification
  13. Samskaras
  14. Sanskrit and The Study of The Yoga Texts and Scriptures
  15. Yoga Sutras
  1. Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
  2. Dhyana (meditation)
  3. Samadhi
  4. The Metaphor of a Raft Flowing On a River
  5. A guided Dhyana Practice
  6. Intuition and Omniscience
  7. What is Meditation?
  8. Practicing the Presence
  9. What is Enlightenment?
  10. Chanting and Mantra
  11. Yoga and Spirituality
  12. New Years Message 2009
  13. Reawakening: Spring Message 2010
  14. How do you define Love?
  15. Christmas/New Years Prayer/Message 2011
  16. The Miracle of Yoga - New Years Message 2012
  17. Heaven of our Hearts - New Years Message 2013

Yoga Sutras

I will use the yoga sutras to help elucidate points or elements of yoga philosophy.

I.1: atha yoganusasanam

(Now the instruction of yoga; yoga begins now; everything you do in your life is your yoga practice)

I.2: yogas citta - vrtti - nirodhah

(Through Yoga we remove restlessness from our field of consciousness)

I.3: tada drastuh svarupe vasthanam

(Then we are established in our true nature)

I.13: tatra sthitau yatno bhyasah

(Abhyasa-practice is vigilance in remaining there)

Abhyasa: Practice, effort, vigilance of awareness. Deeper meaning: moving toward yoga

I.14: sa tu dirgha-kala-nairantarya-satkarasevito drdha-bhumih

(that abhyasa-practice has a firm ground when attended to for a long time, without interruption, and with devotion to truth) Desire and guidance are very important, but the most important thing is dedicated and steady practice over time

I.15: drstanusravika-visaya-vitrsnasya vasikara-sanjna vairagyam

(Vairagya-non attachment is the full knowledge (declaration) of (one’s own-the seer’s) mastery (on the part of one who is) not clinging to vasaya-objects, (already) experienced or described (by others)

Vairagya: Detachment, surrender. Deeper meaning: Being in the state of yoga

II.1: Tapah svadyaya isvara pranidhanani kriya yogah

tapas: heat, intensity of practice (psycho-spiritual thermogenics)
With the concept in mind that yoga is a process of purification, tapas is the energy, heat or fire that is created, or generated, as we practice, that actually burns away the "stuff" that obscures or obstructs our knowing of, or being able to fully live in or express, our true, or real nature. Remember, all of our practices including, and particularly the Yamas and Niyamas are included. Sometimes disciplining ourselves to be patient, tolerate and loving toward someone who is getting under our skin, or who is a proponent of something that we don’t agree with, will generate more tapas than practicing asana for 2 hours. As a matter of fact, asana is lower on the list in terms of the depth and strength of tapas, than pranayama, meditation, loving, compassionate service, etc.

svadyaya: self study, knowing our true nature

isvara: the omniscient self, the seer or teacher within, our spiritual nature or consciousness

pranidhanani: alignment with, devotion to, surrendering into spiritual consciousness

kriya yoga: yoga practice/sadhana

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