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When you're sitting for meditation, and your meditation becomes very deep, you may begin to experience the love and joy that are native qualities of your Soul arising in your conscious awareness. What's actually happening is that the ripples or turbulence in your more superficial consciousness are quieting down so that it becomes more transparent, and you're beginning to experience your deeper pure consciousness or Self. If you can be very still and quite and surrender into that experience, you will enter the stage of Dhyana, which is to become immersed in an unbroken experience of that love and joy. This experience is so captivating that you’re drawn into the experience, and your meditation becomes virtually effortless. It’s like the raft on the river metaphor: you’re flowing effortlessly on an eternal river of joy and love. It’s more like you’re surrendering and becoming immersed in that experience more than it is concentration. As you continue to surrender deeper and deeper into an unbroken experience of that flowing, joyful, loving, pure awareness that is your Soul, you will eventually experience yourself as, or to be, that love and joy. That experience is Samadhi.